Thursday, 5 December 2013

My first Yoga class

I have blogged before about my preconceptions and worries about starting Pilates but that I decided to take the plunge and sign up to some classes. And I loved it but it was only a 10week course of classes and to be fair they were at a community centre... so perhaps I didn't confront my fears as much as I could have done...!

However, I have now confronted my Yoga fears and, as with the Pilates, they were completely unfounded! As I am a bit skint at the moment I was loathed to sign up to some Yoga classes having not cased out whether I even liked Yoga! So I signed up to a Sweaty Betty Yoga class in their new Jubilee Place Canary Wharf store.

I LOVE Sweaty Betty and have always been intrigued as to how they manage to run classes in such a small space. Arriving early for the class meant that I saw the magic happen as islands of clothes were pushed back, lights lowered and yoga mats set up ready for a class of nine to fit in.

Looking around at the group I started to feel pretty nervous - not many of the girls seemed to know each other and I quickly got chatting to a girl who hadn't taken part in this class before. I was reassured that the class was for beginners and we started.

The class was great! I felt like I was supported with each move but offered opportunities to try more advanced positions. I wasn't as bad as I thought I was going to be, I think a lot of that was down to the Pilates.

To be honest as much as I enjoyed the yoga, which was A LOT, I was feeling a bit like it was just a less core focused version of the Pilates I had been doing. But what was different, and will make me book another class, is the few minutes at the end laying on my mat with my eyes closed taking the time to let the stress of the day melt away. It is so rare in my life that I just stop and relax... it made me realise that it is something to cherish and something to actively make time for if not every day at least once a week.

Do you do Yoga? What does it give you?


  1. The strange thing is.. I never dedicate five minutes to myself just to relax and not think (corpse mode right) but I'll happily do a yoga session and look forward to it :)

  2. I love Yoga, but mainly for the buzz it gives me afterwards. I find that it works my arms alot more than my abs, but I love to stretch out and feel my back crack into place... It's perfect for people like me who live at a desk. I try to do a DVD once a week. :D

    1. I haven't tried to do a yoga DVD - is there one you suggest? I struggle to make it to a weekly class!
