Monday 15 April 2013

"You must do the thing you think you cannot do"

There are lots of things I never thought I could do and running was always up there on the top of the list. But, like many things, with a bit of dedication and people there to support me not only did I begin running but now (a year later) I am proud to have completed two half marathons and a 10k race.

Not only do I now love (most of the time!!) running but I also love talking about it and the way it impacts a lot of different aspects of my life. It can be hard to fit running in and it took me awhile to see how I could combine my passion for running with my love of baking and being feminine... fortunately there are lots of great products and inspiring ladies out there who show you that it can be done!

Hopefully this blog will inspire some more ladies to add a pair of running trainers to their shoe rack and a sports bra to their lingerie drawer but most importantly hopefully it will show that just because you don't think you can do it doesn't mean that you can't.

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