Tuesday 30 April 2013

Blog Every Day in May

I am new to the blogging world... very new. Although the process of writing my blog began primarily for myself, a way to chart my journey into the world of running and share the things that inspire me it would sometimes be nice to feel like someone out there was reading it.

And that is where I hit a snag... what is the point of writing if no one is reading? It is like shouting at the top of your voice into an empty room... pointless... or is it? Sometimes it is really refreshing just to shout about something, to get it out there so it is no longer circulating unspoken in your head... and this is how, on a good day, I view my blog.

So, as soon as I saw that Rosalilium had a Blog Every Day in May challenge with topics provided I jumped on board - I am hoping it will be a great opportunity to think about something specific every day, to share those musings and, hopefully, discover something about myself and the other bloggers along the way.

Roll on May!

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