Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Book Love: Running Like a Girl

I have made no secret of the fact that I don't think there are enough positive female role models for the "average" woman looking to get into running. A lot of what I see around keeping fit and running created for women is focused on cutting corners and quick fixes. Which led me to pick up Alexandra Heminsley's "Running Like a Girl".

Alexandra begins the book as a normal girl going through a bit of a break up, dissatisfied by her weight and bored of gyms and yoga she decides to start running. Like many of us, her first run doesn't go well neither do some of her subsequent runs. She experiences cripplingly embarrassing moments attempting to purchase trainers and falling over during the London Marathon. She has trials and tribulations, relapses and successes.

What I really like about this book is that it is brutally honest. She doesn't struggle in her training then complete the London Marathon without a bead of sweat ruining her make up. She does it, she is emotional, she cries and she falls over but importantly she does all this and completes her goal.

Ideal for the first time runner or even those of us who are considering running as the second part of the book is full of handy tips and advice all aimed at women. I appreciate some of the tips like buying a sports bra (continual bug bear of mine as you can see here) but the tips about wearing nail varnish and what sort of make up stays on during a marathon I found a little bit unnecessary. But then I am not too concerned about sweating off my eyeliner. 

Overall, I do suggest any lady thinking of starting their running journey should read this book but so should their significant others as it demonstrates really well the emotional pressure it can put you under, the self doubt you can experience after a particularly rubbish run and the importance of people there who will support you when you have to get up at 6am in the winter to bash out that 10mile run...

Some of my favourite quotes from the book are:

"The secret that all runners keep is that they don't do it for their bodies, but for their minds. Slim legs can get boring, but a clear mind never does"

"[Running] is the discipline to stick to what you need to do to get where you need to go. It is the courage to leave someone you love in a warm bed, hoping that they will still love you when you return an hour later, sweating and cross"

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