Thursday, 20 June 2013

There's more to running than running

Who would've thought it but it is true... there is more to running than just getting out there and, well, running.

As someone who hates any sort of strength and core work I have been trying to ignore the advice that I should in fact be squatting, lunging and planking my way to better running. But not anymore... I am going to get those abs of steel and thighs of iron... or at least try to!

I am rubbish at fitting this sort of exercise into my running schedule so when I saw Shock Absorber post their 30 Day Abs Challenge on Facebook it was like a god send - it gives me a structure to follow, which means that I don't have to think, and it increases in intensity. What more could I want?

I am only 15 days in and as yet I haven't noticed any huge aesthetic changes - but I am trying not to dwell on this as it isn't the main reason I am doing this (although it would be nice). Yes, I have taken a before photo and a during photo and hopefully by the end I will proudly display them alongside a finished photo of perfect abs!

I have however, started to think more about my abs when I am running - mostly because they are aching from the challenge. It is making me appreciate that in order to keep going during the Brighton Marathon I am going to need a strong core to keep me lifting my legs when they start to feel like lead!

Now I need to start on the arms and legs now... Does anyone have any top strength exercises? What other exercises do you do to compliment your running?

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