Wednesday 5 June 2013

Happy National Running Day!

I would like to wish all of those people who pull on the lycra and head out to pound the pavements first thing in the morning, leaving a warm bed when it is raining outside, sweating their make up off in the height of summer and turning down large cold glasses of wine in the pub after work a very HAPPY NATIONAL RUNNING DAY!

If you visit you can personalise a running badge explaining why you run which got me thinking about why I run...

I run to be free....

- from the stresses of work
- from the stresses at home
- from the thoughts in my head
- from others
- to eat what I want
- to appreciate what I can achieve when I put in the hard work
- to enjoy being outside whatever the weather
- to focus completely on me
- to wear lycra in public

Why do you run?

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