Sunday 12 May 2013


Today's Blog Every Day in May Challenge topic is "Collections" which I am very chuffed about as I LOVE collecting things!

You will find me rummaging through a vintage sale, charity shop or car boot sale most weekends (and today was no exception!) I am drawn to anything vintage... and I mean anything! I have cupboards full of vintage tea sets and wardrobes full of vintage clothes... I am even due to pick up two typewriters next week.

But... as I have moved so frequently recently - 3 times this year alone - I have found myself having to justify the existence of some of my collections which is when "Afternoon Tea Lights" was born. Afternoon Tea Lights is my little sideline of handmade soya wax candles in vintage teacups scented to reflect the Great British tradition of Afternoon Tea.

Afternoon Tea Lights puts good use to the odd teacups and milk jugs missing their full set that would otherwise be stuck in a cupboard or moved from charity shop to car boot sale until they were finally thrown away. I wanted to encourage people to rediscover the beauty of the teacup and make it something to be put on display and enjoyed.

You can find Afternoon Tea Lights on Twitter: @ANoonTeaLights

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