Wednesday, 22 May 2013

To my 13 year old self...

Ok, ok... I know I have fallen awfully far behind on the Blog Every Day in May challenge but I am still here and still inspired by the challenge.

Today's topic is "To my 13 year old self..." and this has really got me thinking.

When I was 13 I was not a happy bunny, in fact I was horrendously unhappy. Worse than that though is the fact that I thought I would never be happy. This is largely due to bullying and a lot to do with not liking myself very much.

You will be pleased to hear that after leaving Secondary School (worst days of my life!) I found a good group of friends at University and am now very much comfortable with who I am. So, to my 13 year old self I would say three things...

1. I know that people bully you at the moment and tell you that you "dress funny" in your leggings, oversized denim/check shirts and ox blood Doc Martins but don't let them force you to change. Also, in 10years there will be a shop called Urban Outfitters which will sell these clothes again to something called "Hipsters" and all of those who bullied you will be wearing it, trying to fit in!

2. All of those times you nearly broke your neck walking home from school with your nose in a book will pay off. You will go to University and study English Literature and have the time of your life! Don't let that passion for literature die it will always be your retreat!

3. Sit down, take a deep breath... I know you despise PE lessons and Cross Country makes you want to hide in the changing rooms but you will start to like... wait, LOVE... running and will run just because you want to not because someone is shouting at you to do so. And it will be FUN!

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