Wednesday, 8 May 2013

First Job

My first "proper" job was working Saturday and Sundays as a checkout girl in my local coop supermarket.

I hated being a checkout girl. I hated giving up my weekends. And I hated working with people who just couldn't seem to get my name right.

But one thing I did love was the newly released blue ipod mini. And the only way I would save up enough money to get one was to work at the coop as a checkout girl.

I got my blue ipod mini and swiftly quit the coop getting myself a new job in the library.

I still have my blue ipod and it reminds me of the first time I truly saw the importance of working hard to get what you want.


  1. There's nothing like that feeling you get when you buy something with money you have worked hard for, is there? Like you said, every time you look at it you really appreciate it for all the right reasons!


  2. An iPod was the first thing I bought with my first few wages as well! It felt so good to buy something that expensive for myself, instead if hoping to get it at Christmas! Xo
